What is a Half Mount Fish Replica
What is a half mount fish replica? Why pay for what you can't see?
First we should ask the question, “What is a full mount fish replica?”
A full mount fish replica is the reproduction of a real fish to look like the original. Many types of material can be used to create this reproduction. These can include wood, foam, metal, plastic, etc. We use fiberglass.
The procedure for creating a full body fish replica requires making a mold of the front and back of the fish. This mold reproduces the size and shape of the fish and captures the details and texture of the skin, scales and fins from the original. A great deal of skill is required to get the fish looking lifelike. We gel coat these molds and hand laminate several layers of fiberglass to create a remarkable likeness to the original. We reproduce the fins the same way. We bond the front side with the backside and grind the seam, fill the voids, sand the seam, attach the fins, sand some more and set the mouth and teeth. We then apply paint with all of the subtle coloration, shading, highlights and iridescence of the real thing. We apply a protective polyurethane clear coat to the finished fish. An incredible likeness to the original fish emerges. It is eerie, at times, how lifelike our replicas look
A hanger is screwed into the back and rear of the mount is painted to help blend into the shadows. We can make many replicas from one mold. We have thousands of molds of hundreds of fish in dozens of sizes in a dizzying array of poses. Keep your fish (or release him) and tell us what kind, size, shape, color and style you want. Send us a photo, or not. Leave the rest to us.
We can also make a three dimensional mount. This takes the full body mount and details the back side with fins, gills and paint so it can be viewed from all angles. Designed to hang from the ceiling or put on a pedestal, these mounts showcase the fish just like you are swimming with the fish in the water. Give us a call to discuss your project.
Explain the difference in full body fiberglass fish replicas and half sided fiberglass fish replicas
Full body fiberglass fish replicas are three-dimensional fish sculptures that are created to look and feel like an actual fish. These replicas are created using a mold that captures the exact shape and texture of a real fish, including all its fins and scales. The final product is a full-bodied replica that looks like a real fish from all angles.
On the other hand, half-sided fiberglass fish replicas are two-dimensional sculptures that are mounted on a wall. These replicas only show one side of the fish, usually the side that has the most detail and coloration. The other side is flat and is designed to be mounted on a wall.
Half-sided replicas are typically less expensive than full-bodied replicas, as they require less material and labor to produce. However, full-bodied replicas are generally considered to be more realistic and lifelike, as they capture the entire shape and texture of the fish.
Ultimately, the choice between a full-bodied or half-sided fiberglass fish replica comes down to personal preference, budget, and intended use. If you're looking for a highly detailed and realistic sculpture, a full-bodied replica may be the better option. If you're looking for a more affordable and space-efficient option, a half-sided replica may be the way to go.
Now for the answer to your original question:
A half mount is a replica of only one side of the fish, the side that you see. The back or rear side is not seen and therefore not reproduced. Everything else is the same: the size, shape, the detail, the fins, paint and clear coat. We even mold an integral hanger into the back of the replica to make it easy to display. You can literally hang the fish on the wall like a picture!
Not all body positions make good half mount candidates. The body of the fish has to be flat. This enables the front half of the mold to lie close to the wall. There is less material used (lighter) and less labor involved (less expensive). This saves us time and money and this savings is passed to the customer.
These replicas add a whole new dimension to the world of taxidermy. They don’t replace full mount taxidermy. They add to it. Our half mount designs have been developed to provide a less costly solution to high quality taxidermy products that share the same incredible attention to detail that our full mount replicas have. We use the same molds! They are a good choice for the cost conscious consumer who wants a quality product for a reasonable price.
Do you have a catalog?
We receive many requests for a print catalog, however we do not publish one. Why?
A catalog would be very expensive and time consuming to keep up to date. It would never reflect the comprehensive, eclectic collection of our ever-expanding inventory. We prefer to keep our costs low and pass these savings on to our customers.
Our half mount designs have been developed to provide a low cost and high quality taxidermy solution for our customers. This, along with our unparalleled customer service, has been what has made our mounts affordable, accessible and eminently desirable.
What about shipping?
We have been shipping fish replicas for many, many years. There is a great deal of skill involved in the packaging of these replicas. They are made of hand laid fiberglass and are very strong and lightweight. We conform to shipping company standards and individually package the replicas so they will get to you in one piece. Our larger fish replicas require us to fabricate a lumber and plywood custom made shipping container. Each of the replicas is hand packed to provide the utmost in shipping security. We provide shipping insurance with every order. We will “make it right” whenever something goes wrong. We can ship our replicas anywhere in the world. We have a great relationship with freight forwarders and international shipping agents. Call or email for a timely quote.
We use FedEx, UPS, USPS and commercial freight carriers to transport our “fresh” fish to you. Depending on the size and weight of the container, we may be able to combine several fish replicas into one shipping container and save you money. The larger fish that require a large plywood-shipping crate usually have extra room in it to ship other fish replicas in it. These additional fish are a great value because they tag along with the bigger fish and reduce the overall cost of the shipping.
Call or email with any questions you might have.